Thursday, 31 January 2013

TWAS, February 1st, 2013

With Your Child This Week

1. Practice making the secondary colours (use spray bottles with each of the primary colours and spray the snow!)
2. Name the three seconday colours and find things in your house for each colour
3. Talk about different community helpers
4. Count to 11 starting at different numbers (ie: start at 3 and count up!)

What we did this week at school

*Made tactile l with lego
*Made green and purple thumbprint grapes with paint
*Brainstormed different community helpers
*Experimented with colour mixing
*Did a #11 activity
*Pretended we were colour detectives and searched for the colour green!
*Room 28 saw Baby Zoe

Some Important Dates to Remember

Monday, February 4th – Inservice day (No school & no gymnastics)
Tuesday, February 5th – Early dismissal at 2:55pm
Wednesday, February 6th – Brown Day
Thursday, February 7th – Field trip to see GRUG at MTYP (morning)
Monday, February 11th – Kindergarten Information Evening (for parents of
students beginning Kindergarten in the fall)
Friday, February 15th – Valentine’s Day and 100 Day party (in afternoon)

Important Information

1. Wednesday February 6th - BROWN day.  If you would like to contribute a colour snack, it only needs to be enough for one class (20 students) & something as simple as a box of crackers!  Please let us know if you would like to do so and thank you for your continued support.
2. Kindergarten Information night is Monday, February 11th.  We like to include pictures of class activities and short clips of the students talking about Kindergarten or sharing a skill.  All media represents our students in a fun and positive way.  If you have any concerns about your child being represented in the presentation, please let us know by Tuesday, February 5th.
3. On Friday, February 15th, we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day and 100 Day with an afternoon celebration.  We will be doing different centres related to these themes.  We are asking for volunteers to help run a centre for this afternoon (you do not have to have a completed criminal record check to help us out!).  We would ask that you be here for 12:45 and will be finished at 3:20.  We will also be looking for healthy snacks and a few treats.  If you are interested in helping us out, either by volunteering your time or sending in a snack, please sign the bottom of this page.  Thanks in advance for your help in making this event a SUCCESS!!
4. Valentine’s Day is coming up.  For invitations, please have your child sign the bottom of the card and you may address it to “my friend”.  This makes for smooth delivery of the cards!  We will be handing them out on Thursday afternoon.  There are 19 children in each class!

Have a wonderful weekend! ☺  

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Yellow Day!

Y-E-L-L-O-W spells yellow.
Y-E-L-L-O-W spells yellow.
Like the early morning sun,
When the day has just begun.
Y-E-L-L-O-W spells yellow!

Red Day!

R-E-D, red.
R-E-D, red.
I can spell red.
I can spell red.
Tomatoes are red,
Stop signs are red.
R-E-D, R-E-D.

Blue Day!

B-L-U-E, spells the colour blue!
The sky, the ocean and some jeans,
Are the colour blue!

TWAS, January 25, 2013

With Your Child This Week

1.     Practice making different combinations for 5 (ie: 2 red and 3 blue, 1 red and 4 blue 0 red and 5 blue and vice versa)
2.     Name the three primary colours
3.     Talk about activities that can be done in the winter
4.     Sort objects by primary colours

What we did this week at school

*Made tactile K with kites
*Did a primary colour cube graph
*Brainstormed winter activities
*Did a primary colour sort
*Made different combinations for 5 in a five frame
*Mixed primary colours
*Closed the school because of a sewer smell!

Some Important Dates to Remember
Monday, January 28thPurple Day
      - K-1 Gymnastics after school
Wednesday, January 30thGreen Day
  - Mrs. Fogel & Ms. Watts away in the morning
            Friday, February 1stOrange Day
            Monday, February 4th – Inservice day (No school & no gymnastics)
            Tuesday, February 5th – Early dismissal at 2:55pm

Important Information

1.     Next week we are continuing with our colour unit.  We will be talking about secondary colours.  We are asking that you have your child wear the “colour of the day” if they have an item in that colour.  Please DO NOT go and purchase any new clothing for these activities.  Children that do not have the colour of the day will be given something to wear when they arrive.  Monday, January 28th – PURPLE day.  Wednesday, January 30th – GREEN day.  Friday, February 1st – ORANGE day.  We are also asking for colour snack donations for each of these colour days (ie: purple grapes for purple day or green broccoli on green day).  It only needs to be enough for one class (20 students).  Please let us know if you would like to contribute. 
Thank you for your continued support!
2.     If your child participates in the Monday Gymnastics club, we ask that you encourage your child to wear comfortable, well fit pants (not too long or loose) and save tights and skirts for other days.  This will make using the equipment and doing rolls and jumps easier.  Thank you for your support.  We can’t wait to show off our new skills in March!

Have a fabulous weekend!  

Thursday, 10 January 2013

TWAS, January 11th

With Your Child This Week

1.     Practice printing 8 (“make an S but then don’t wait, go back up and close the gate”) and showing it in different ways (2 spoons and 6 spoons, 5 pennies and 3 pennies, etc.)
2.     Look for the letter Ii in the world around you.
3.     Brainstorm words that start with I
4.     Practice making simple patterns (red, blue, red, blue – spoon, fork, spoon, fork, etc)

What we did this week at school

*Talked about the best part of our break
*Made tactile I with “ice cubes”
*Created a book based on “We Share Everything”
*Made patterns
*Made play dough letters
*Had choice time with the other class

Some Important Dates to Remember
Monday, January 14th – Blue Day
Tuesday, January 15th – Early dismissal at 2:55pm
Wednesday, January 16th – Red Day
Thursday, January 17th – Assembly 8:45am
Friday, January 18th – Yellow Day

Important Information

1.     Next week we will be starting our colour unit.  We will start with the primary colours.  We are asking that you have your child wear the “colour of the day” if they have an item in that colour.  Please DO NOT go and purchase any new clothing for these activities.  Children that do not have the colour of the day will be given something to wear when they arrive.  Monday, January 14th – BLUE day.  Wednesday, January 16th – RED day.  Friday, January 18th – YELLOW day.  Thank you for your help in making this unit a little more exciting.
2.     Our Kinderoodles blog is still a “work in progress”.  We have found it difficult to keep up with the website as when we post pictures, we are trying to make sure every child is represented in every activity.  From now on, to make the process easier for us, and so you can have more up-to-date information, we will be posting the pictures as they are taken.  Please be assured, that if your child does not appear in a series of pictures on one day, that they will be represented on another day!  Thanks for your patience!!!

Have a great weekend! J   

Extras : )

Winter Celebration!!

Thank you to all the families that were able to help out by volunteering time and snacks.  
Everyone had a wonderful time!

Plane safety announcements

Our Trip Around the World