Monday, 22 April 2013

Fun Partners!

Today we had a special partner to play with.  We played in different centres.  We used nice words to ask our friends if they wanted to play in a centre.  When we finished one centre, we got to choose another one.  It was buddy fun!

Ashton & Kyla played in the arts and crafts area.

Connor & Vera played at the big lego.

Tianna & Jack played in the office area. 

Coryn & Haley played in the arts and crafts.

Laci & Taylor played in the big lego.

Rylee & Nolan played with the big wooden blocks.

Elizabeth & Lincoln played with the big wooden blocks.

Gavin & Andi played in play dough.

Our play partners were lots of fun!!  We hope that we can do it again!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Salon/Barber Shop

The Unicorns have turned their kitchen into a barber shop/salon.  Thank you to all families that have contributed items to make this possible.  Here's what the class had to say about it.

We have to share and listen to our friends. (Kiera)
The beads are fun. (Jason)
Our barber shop is so good. (Leonora)
We can only use the beads at choice time. (Cassie)
The sprayers are fun. (Callum)
The spay bottles are fun.  (Alec)
The shavers are fun because the boys get to shave their faces if they want to.  (Marcella)
The cash register is fun because we get to take turns.  (Julia)
The money is fun to play with.  (Maddox)
The writing is fun because we get to write people's names.  (Michelia)
The speaker is fun. (Alyssa)
I like the cash register. (Janik)
I like the barber shop. (Jacob)


Friday, 5 April 2013

TWAS, April 5th, 2013

With Your Child This Week

1.     Talk about any spring changes you see
2.     Have your child use positional language to describe where their favourite stuffie is (ie: in the basket, under the bed, etc.)
3.     Ask your child how they get power in their life (something they are good at)
4.     Talk about the importance of not talking to strangers

What we did this week at school

*Did tactile q with Q-tips
*Stamped our numbers from 11 to 20
*Made a book using positional language (in, over, beside, etc.)
*Talked about how we get power by doing things that we are good at
*Practiced printing our letters
*Did rhyming word puzzles
*Discussed strangers

Some Important Dates to Remember
Thursday, April 11th – Monthly assembly in gym at 8:45 (all welcome)
                                    -Parent restitution night at Strathmillan School 6:30pm
Tuesday, April 16th – Early dismissal at 2:55pm
Friday, April 19th – Inservice (no school)

Important Information

1.     You will notice a strip of paper in your child’s folder today.  It is the first list for our sight word program.  Please take the time to review the words briefly each day to help your child become familiar with the words (some parents find it helpful to keep it on the fridge).  Each Friday, children will be asked to read the words from their list in a random order.  If they get all the words correct, they move to the next list.  Some children may stay on a list for some time, while others may move quickly.  Please do not be concerned or discouraged.  The program is designed to move with the child’s developmental level.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

2.      Now that Kindergarten students are out with the regular duty teacher, there are a few things that need reviewing.  There is to be no rough play.  If a child is using their body in any way, they will be sent to the office and will lose a recess.  The second offence means the loss of two and continues to grow with each incident. It is also important to line up when the bell rings so that the teacher on duty can get inside and to their class without keeping students waiting.  We appreciate your support with this at home.

Have a super weekend!!!! J