Thursday, 26 September 2013

TWAS, September 27th, 2013

With Your Child This Week

1.     Have your child help sort (socks, cutlery, etc.)
2.     Practice counting to 10 and back to 0
3.     Talk about the different ways you can eat apples
4.     Practice printing upper case “A” by starting at the top

What we did this week at school

* Made our 10 Apples Up On Top!
* Did graphing with our favourite colour of apple
* Sorted our apples
* Made apple patterns
* Painted with the apples
* Read apple stories
* Had our first assembly about 60 Minute Kids Club (see note in folder)

Some Important Dates to Remember
Tuesday, October 1st – Early dismissal
Thursday, October 3rd – Monthly Assembly @ 8:45 (all are welcome!)
Friday, October 4th – Mrs. Fogel and Ms. Watts are away in the morning
            Friday, October 11th – K-3 Field Trip to MTYP

Important Information

1.    Our assembly to celebrate September is on Thursday, October 3rd at 8:45 in the gym.  All families are welcome to join us.  Throughout the year, different classes will be presenting and students will receive awards each month.  You will be informed in advance if your child is a recipient of an award and we would love to see as many families out as possible!  We will be presenting in May and can’t wait to see you there!!! J
2.    Our first field trip is coming up on Friday, October 11th.  We will be heading to MTYP to see Jack and the Beanstalk.  We require parent volunteers to assist with our field trip.  If you have a criminal record check and child abuse registry completed and are able to come with us in the morning, please sign the bottom of the TWAS.

Have a super duper weekend!!!! J   

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Singing to Mr. Big Leaf

This week we met a very important friend, Mr. Big Leaf.

We talked about all the parts of the tree, how he looks right now, and then learned a new song.

We sang our song to our new friend.

It goes like this:

Crown and branches, trunk and roots,
trunk and roots,
trunk and roots.
Crown and branches, trunk and roots.  
Big green leaves are on the tree.

(And might we add- Not bad for the first time with a new song!)

Friday, 20 September 2013

T.W.A.S. September 20, 2013

With Your Child This Week

1.      Find the letter “A” in the world around you
2.      Ask your child to tell you about wikki stix
3.      Ask your child about their favourite ”play centre” in Kindergarten
4.      Continue to practice printing their name the “Kindergarten way”

What we did this week at school

* Visited Mr. Big Leaf
*Made tactile the “a” with “apples”
*Painted leaves
* Worked on our “All About Me” books
* Made wikki stix names, numbers and letters
* Made cheerio necklaces
* Had our first “Sub”
*Took out Library books

Some Important Dates to Remember
Thursday, September 26th  -Terry Fox Run in the afternoon

Important Information

1.     Please be sure to send your child with at least two healthy snack options (fruit, veggies, yogurt, cheese, crackers, etc.).  Children who go home for lunch still need a morning and afternoon snack.  Thank you for your support.  J

2.     In honour of the Terry Fox Foundation, we will be collecting loonies and toonies next week leading up to our run on Thursday.  Any contributions are appreciated, but not required for participation.

3.    We are beginning an exploration of Apples.  Please send your child’s favourite kind of apple in for Tuesday, September 24th.  We will be using the apples throughout the week for a variety of learning experiences. We also ask that you collect apple seeds over the next week for an activity the following week.  Thank you in advance for helping us with meaningful and exciting activities!

Have a super weekend!!!!  

* We are looking for a few volunteers to make special play dough for us next weekend.  We will provide the recipe and ingredients.  We are also looking for a volunteer to do some photocopying next Friday.  If you are able to help with either of these tasks, please let us know at the bottom of the TWAS and we will contact you early next week.  Thank you for your help with these special projects.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Welcome to Kinderoodles 2013/2014!!!

Hello Families!!!

Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year.  Please visit this site often to see what we are up to and to keep up to date with the latest information.

We look forward to another wonderful year here at Lakewood School!

Ms. Watts & Mrs. Fogel

TWAS- September 13, 2013

With Your Child This Week

1.     Have your child practice printing their name (with an upper case at the beginning followed by all lowercase)
2.     Practice singing the alphabet song (pay careful attention to l-m-n-o-p)
3.     Talk about kind words we can use with our friends (manners, offering and accepting compliments, including everyone, etc.)
4.     Look for numbers (0 to 5) in the world around you

What we did this week at school

*Met new kindergarten friends
*Had play structure day (day 6)
*Had choice time
*Had gym, music and library
*Read some “Pete the Cat” books
*Started our “All About Me” books
*Brainstormed and voted on our animal names (Unicorns and Meerkats)

Some Important Dates to Remember
Tuesday, September 17th – Picture Day
                                              -Early dismissal at 2:55pm
Thursday, September 19th – Ms. Fogel and Ms. Watts away

Important Information

11.    We will start to transition the Kinders to meet us IN the building next week.  We will be out on Monday at 8:20, at the bell on Tuesday and will meet them inside the doors the rest of the week.  There will continue to be a duty teacher outside at 8:15.  If your child has a difficult time coming in, it may be helpful to arrive as close to the bell as possible so they can just come straight in with the class without waiting.
22.    This is our TWAS newsletter that will be coming home every Friday. Please have a look, initial the bottom and return every Monday.  We ask that all the pages stay in the book.  You will also find this information on our blog - 

Congratulations on your first full week of Kindergarten !!!! J