Friday, 29 November 2013

TWAS, November 28th, 2013

With Your Child This Week

1.     Ask your child what they were most excited to share with you from conferences
2.     Encourage your child to guess the sounds at the beginning of various words (dog, cat, hat, etc.)
3.     Continue counting up to 20 and down from 10
4.     Ask your child to tell you about the last visit with our special artist

What We Did This Week At School

* Finished our “All About Me” books
* Prepared for Student-Led Conferences
* Worked in our Growth Books
* Made our Fall trees
* Put buttons on Pete the Cat
* Had Jersey Day

Some Important Dates to Remember

            Friday, November 29th – Student-Led Conferences (9:00am – 11:00am)
       - No School (all day)
December 2nd to 6th - Gingerbread Week
            Tuesday, December 3rd – Early Dismissal at 2:55pm
Wednesday, December 4th – Honey orders due
            December 9th to 13th -  “Holidays Around The World” week
            Wednesday, December 11th – Blue Day

Important Information

1.    We had our first Lock Down Drill this week.  In Kindergarten we talk to the students about this being like playing hide and seek with Mrs. White.  Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

2.    We will be having our holiday party on Thursday, December 19th in the morning.  If you are able to help us between 8:45 – 11:25am, let us know by signing the bottom of this form.

3.    Just a reminder that the Student-Led conferences are for celebrating! There will be other families in the room, so please let us know if you would like to make an appointment to discuss any issues or concerns at a different time.  We can’t wait to share all our hard work with you!
Have a lovely weekend!

Friday, 22 November 2013

Pie in the Face!!!!

Our Run for Funds fundraiser raised more money than the 
last two years with a total of $5858.81!
This year, we tried some new ideas for fundraising incentives.  Those students who raised $150, would choose a teacher to "pie in the face"!  We knew that this would be a fun and silly activity that the students and staff would enjoy!  Both Mrs. Fogel and I were "pie'd" and we wanted to share the videos with you!
Thank you so much for all of your support of Lakewood School.....ENJOY! :)

Thursday, 14 November 2013

TWAS, November 15th, 2013

With Your Child This Week

1.     Practice making the number 5 (make a guy with a belly and put a hat on)
2.     Brainstorm words that start with “i”
3.     Ask about our last two visits with our special artist
4.     Have your child show you a yoga pose that they practiced at school

What We Did This Week At School

*Made poppies for Remembrance Day
*Had our Remembrance Day assembly
*Learned about the number 5
*Made “Five Frame Fun Mix”
*Learned about the letter “i”
*Made tactile “i” with “ice cubes”
*Made holiday cards (watch for order forms in the next few weeks)

Some Important Dates to Remember

November 19th- Early Dismissal
November 20th- Report cards come home
November 22nd- Special Lunch
November 28th- Conferences pm
November 29th- Conferences am (No School)

Important Information

  1. As you may know, we have been working on report cards over the last few weeks.   They will be coming home with your child on November 20th.  You will also get a sign up sheet for Student-Led Conferences in the same envelope.  These conferences are a celebration of your child’s learning and hard work over the last few months.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the report card, we would be happy to discuss them with you at a separate meeting.  If you would like to make a special meeting, you can do so through e-mail or a note in your child’s folder.

Have a great weekend!

Happy Halloween!!

Thanks again to all of the parents who were able to help us out...we had a BLAST!!

Thursday, 7 November 2013

TWAS, November 7th, 2013

With Your Child This Week

1.          Talk about ways to solve a problem
2.          Ask your child about our first “TIA” (“The Integrated Arts”) session  
3.          Have your child show you feelings with their face (happy, sad, etc.)
4.         Have your child count up to 20 and down from 10

What we did this past week at school

* Started our TIA sessions with Leigh Anne
* Did criss cross centres together
* Sorted coloured goldfish crackers
* Made cheerios necklaces
* Practiced printing names on the whiteboards
* Worked in our Growth Books
* Had our monthly assembly

Some Important Dates to Remember

Friday, November 8th – No School (teacher’s report card writing day)
Monday, November 11th – No School (Remembrance Day)
Tuesday, November 12th – Remembrance Day Ceremony at 10:30am in the gym
(all welcome)

Important Information

1.     Winter is upon us.  If your child does not have a hat and mitts now, we will no longer be able to take them outside with us.  Please be sure they have these items and talk to them about how to store them (in the back pack, in the sleeves of their coats, whichever works for you).  If you are concerned about items getting lost, please put a name on the items so we will have a better chance of getting them back to you! J

2.     We often bring gently used toys into our classroom to change things up and make sure the students have a variety of options.  Sometimes, students really like some of the items and while playing with them, put them in their pockets to save for later.  If you should come across any small toys (cars, figures, marbles, play money) that you don’t recognize, please ask your child about it and if it belongs at school, please return it.  Thank you for your support!

Have a great weekend!!

Parent signature: _____________________________

Monday, 4 November 2013

TWAS, November 1st, 2013

With Your Child This Week

1.          Talk about things that are orange
2.          Ask your child about their favourite part of our Halloween activities
3.         Have your child sort their Halloween candy (chocolate, chips, candy)
4.         Ask your child about “Pete the Cat” and his groovy buttons!

What we did this past week at school

* Worked on the colour orange
* Talked about the number 4
* Made Pete the Cat and his 4 groovy buttons
* Carved our jack o lanterns
* Did criss cross centres all together
* Made tactile O with cheerios
* Painted pumpkins
* Had our Halloween celebrations!

Some Important Dates to Remember

Tuesday, November 5th – Early dismissal at 2:55pm
Thursday, November 7th – Monthly assembly at 8:45am in gym (all welcome)
Friday, November 8th – No School (teacher’s report card writing day)
Monday, November 11th – No School (Remembrance Day)

Important Information

1.  Thanks so much to all the families who donated snacks or who volunteered for our Halloween activities.  We had so much fun and couldn’t have done it without all of your support!!

2. Our “Run for Funds” fundraiser is coming to an end.  Please send in all money by Monday, November 4th so it can be counted and prizes can be awarded.  Thanks for your help! J

3. We have snack after both morning and afternoon recess.  Please make sure you are sending healthy choices that are separate from your child’s lunch with them every day.  We are noticing that on special lunch days or sometimes for students who go home for lunch, they are not coming with additional snacks.  Please make sure to send your child with a separate morning and afternoon snack, even on these special occasions!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Parent signature: _____________________________