Monday, 27 January 2014

TWAS, January 24th, 2014

With Your Child This Week

1.     Brainstorm words that start with “P”
2.     Practice printing the number 9 (a circle and a line, that makes a 9)
3.     Talk about things you and your child like to do for “Fun”
4.     Try to use positional words and have your child do the same  (in front, behind, beside, on, under, between)

What we did this week at school

* Printed the letter “p”
* Did tactile “p” with popcorn
*  Learned about the number 9
*Had “Favourite Primary Colour” day   
 *Sorted the primary colours
* Wrote about our favourite primary colour 
*Used the iPads!
*  Had a bridge making challenge
*Played with plasticene
* Made a “water coloured” winter picture
*Had a popcorn celebration (see the video on the blog)

Some Important Dates to Remember

              Friday, January 31st -Special Lunch
           Monday February 3rd -Divisional in-service (no school)
    Wednesday, February 5th -Read-In Breakfast (8:00-9:00)

Important Information

1.     Lakewood School will be holding it’s 3rd annual “Read-In Breakfast” on Wednesday, February 5th.  Students and all family members are invited to come to the library in their pyjamas to read and enjoy a muffin before heading out for the day.  It is a drop-in function so feel free to come any time for some or all of it.  If you are not able to attend, your child can be dropped off at 8:15 in the library, after they have put their belongings `in their lockers.

2.    We will be having our Valentine’s/100 day party on Friday, February 14th in the morning.  We will be asking for volunteers next week, so please check your calendars to see if you are available.  J

Have a wonderful weekend!!!!  

Friday, 17 January 2014

Unicorn Back to School Highlights

I liked when we played with the snow because it was really fun and we got to build snowmen and winter stuff. (Charley)
I liked the coloured water with eye droppers. (Aarika)
I loved snapping the letters together. (Brooke)
I liked when we were stamping stuff with paint. (Jack)
I like stacking cups. (Priel)
I liked making a snow cake out of the snow. (Dawson)
I liked to play with the snap together letters. (Paige)
I liked the cup stacking challenge. (River)
I liked to stamp with the cookies cutters. (Arali)
I liked playing with the guys. (Jacob)
I like cup stacking. (Hayden)
I liked cup stacking too. (Ayden)
I liked speed stacking. (Rio)
I liked to make the shadow puppets. (Adam)
I liked to play with the snow. (Eloise) 

Lakewood December Highlights Video

Click on the link below to view highlights from 
December at Lakewood School!!!

TWAS, January 17th, 2014

With Your Child This Week

1.     Practice printing upper and lower case Dd and brainstorm words that begin with Dd
2.     Talk about something that your child is good at that gives them power
3.     Ask your child what their favourite winter activity is
4.     Talk about our Classroom Resolution

What We Did This Week At School

* Did tactile D with dice
* Painted our colour triangle by mixing primary colours
* Learned about the number 8
* Made words with magnetic letters
* Had our monthly assembly
* Worked on a book about our favourite winter activities
* Talked about our need for power and what we are good at
* Made shadow puppets on the SmartBoard
* Painted with play dough cutters
* Had a cup stacking challenge

Some Important Dates to Remember

           Tuesday, January 21st – Early dismissal at 2:55pm
Wednesday, January 22nd – Favourite Primary Colour day
Thursday, January 23rd – Mrs. Fogel & Ms. Watts away in the afternoon
Friday, January 31st – Lunch Lady

Important Information

1.    Now that we have learned about the 3 primary colours (red, blue and yellow), we would like the students to pick their favourite primary colour and wear that colour to school on Wednesday, January 22nd.  We will use this opportunity to compare and sort as well as help solidify their understanding of the primary colours.

Have a super weekend!

Parent Signature_________________________________

Explore Some More (Provocations)!!

At Explore Some More time, we sit at our tables on our hands so we don't touch the materials!!  Next we talk about the rules (share everything, keep it on the table and clean up quietly).  Students are encouraged to explore the variety of materials presented in any way they like.

We are making shadow puppets.

We are playing with the people.

We are painting with the cookie cutters.

We are building a castle together with the cups.

It was too cold to go outside so we brought the snow inside!!

We are using the eye droppers to mix blue and yellow on the coffee filters.

We are exploring with the light table.

We made emotions (feelings) with the materials.

Friday, 10 January 2014

TWAS, January 10th, 2014

With Your Child This Week

1.     Brainstorm words that start with “C”
2.     Count to 7 and back, show 7 on your fingers in different ways
3.     Ask about their favourite part of the WSO presentation
4.     Ask about the love need and how people fill this need

What we did this week at school

*Wrote about our breaks
* Printed the letter “c”
* Did tactile “c” with corn kernels
*  Learned about the number 7
*  Played “Who Has More”
* Used letter stamps to make names
*  Learned about the “Love Need”
*Mixed coloured water with eyedroppers  
*Saw the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
*  Played with snow IN the classroom
*  Added two new classroom jobs
*Got new table spots

Some Important Dates to Remember

Monday, January 13thFirst Gymnastics club (3:25-4:25)
Thursday, January 16th- Monthly assembly (8:45)
Tuesday, January 21st - Early Dismissal (2:55)

Important Information

1.    As most of you know, gymnastics club will be starting on Monday, January 13th  (be sure your child is in comfortable clothing- no dresses for the girls please).  We would love to see as many Kinders there as possible.  We will take all participants down to the gym with us after school.  You can pick your child up outside the gym at 4:25.  If you haven’t signed up yet, please send us an email and we will sign your child up…it really is a BLAST!!!  We will send more information about the performance show in March, as we get closer.

2.    With the warmer weather, many of us are getting very wet mittens!!  Please make sure that your child has mittens that will withstand the wet or send a second pair in their backpack to ensure we can all enjoy the giant snowhill! J

Have a super weekend!!!!