Friday, 23 May 2014

TWAS, Friday, May 23rd, 2014

With Your Child This Week

1.     Ask your child what the four 3D shapes are that we learning about (ball/sphere, box/cube, can/cylinder & cone)
2.     Try making the 3D shapes with paper
3.     Play the game at the following link to practice making 5
4.     Ask your child how he/she made a boat out of paper

What we did this week at school

* Talked about 3D shapes
* Made boats out of paper
* Played a game on the SMARTBoard to practice making 5
* Made sight words with magnetic letters
* Practiced for our assembly
* Made 3D shapes out of paper
* Made a book about “How to Make Paper” 

Some Important Dates to Remember
            Monday, May 26th – Special Lunch
            Thursday, May 29th – Monthly assembly at 8:45am (KINDERS ARE PERFORMING –
            Tuesday, June 3rd – Early dismissal at 2:55pm
            Friday, June 6th – Field Trip to KidFest at the Forks (form to follow next week)

Important Information

1.    Our monthly assembly is coming up on Thursday, May 29th at 8:45am.  The Kindergarten students will be performing so we invite all families to join us.  We are also asking that students wear all blue (if possible) for the performance (shirt and pants).  Thanks and we will see you there!! J

2.    On Friday, June 6th, we will be going on an all-day field trip to KidFest at the Forks.  We will be leaving around 9:00am and returning around 2:45pm.  If you have a completed criminal record check and would like to come with us, please sign the bottom of the TWAS. 

Have a super weekend!!!!  

Friday, 16 May 2014

TWAS, Friday, May 16th, 2014

With Your Child This Week

1.     Talk about landmarks close to your home and school
2.     Brainstorm words that end in “-ay” (stay, day, play, etc.)
3.     Ask your child what their favourite part was from the Children’s Museum
4.     Talk about how to make paper

What we did this week at school

* Did tactile “Y” with yellow yarn
* Learned about the “–ay” family
* Talked about 3D shapes
* Made hats out of paper
* Talked about landmarks
* Played Number “Rock and Roll”
* Talked about and made our own paper
* Went to the Children’s Museum 

Some Important Dates to Remember
Monday, May 19th – Victoria Day (no school)
Tuesday, May 20th – Early dismissal at 2:55pm
Thursday, May 22nd – Welcome to Kindergarten (for those students beginning
  Kindergarten in September 2014)
            Monday, May 26th – Special Lunch
            Thursday, May 29th – Monthly assembly at 8:45am (KINDERS ARE PERFORMING-                                                  ALL ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND!!!)

Important Information

1.    Our next theme is Community Helpers.  If you or anyone you know, would like to come and talk about your job, please let us know!

2.    As the end of the year approaches, we start thinking about returning things to our students.  We know that most of the spare clothes you sent at the beginning of the year will not fit your child anymore.  We are hoping that you would be willing to donate your child’s clothing to be used as extras for next year.  If you agree to this, please sign the bottom of the newsletter.  THANKS!!

Have a fantastic long weekend!!!!  

The Children's Museum

Today we went to the Children's Museum.  We went there to learn about paper.  
Amanda was our teacher.

We learned that paper comes from trees.  First we need to cut down a tree.  Then we take the tree to the paper mill.  We chop the tree into tiny pieces of saw dust.  We mix the saw dust with water and glue.  We flatten it and let it dry.  Then it's ready for writing, drawing and making crafts.

We got to make our own paper!!!

First we had to rip the paper.

Then we flattened it out on the screen.

We used a sponge to get all the water out.

We decorated the paper with flower petals and let it dry.

After making our paper, we got to PLAY!!!!!

 Our favourite part of the museum was:

Jessie - the water centre
Kasey - the train
Alexis - the lasagna lookout
Danica - the train
Hunter - the construction site
Veronika - the slide
Katie - the slide
Lorelei - the train
Brayden - the slide
Liam - the cow milking
Peyton - the lasagna lookout
Demetri - the construction site
Dion - the optical illusion centre
Tytan - the piano
Nevaeh - the slide
Rachel - the train
Cowen - the piano
Michael - making paper

We had such a great time that some of us fell asleep on the ride back to school!

That was fun! :)

Design Process

This week we did our first big design process project.  We have been learning about different kinds of paper and what they are used for.  We decided that we would use our knowledge of paper and design some hats.  We choose the paper, shape of hat and decorations.  Then we put our designs into action!

Our hats look just like our designs!  Wow!  
Way to go Kindergarten!

Monday, 12 May 2014

Marathon Club

Why should we join the Marathon Club?
Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:00 am to 8:25 am.
By K-105

It will make me faster and stronger. (Arali)
It is fun. (Paige)
It makes me stronger and healthier. (Charley)
It makes you strong. (Callin)
It's good exercise. (Dawson)
It's cool. (Aarkia)
It's awesome. (Priel)
I get to talk with my friends. (Kaedyn)
It's fun. (Ayden)
Running with my friend is fun. (Adam)

If your child wants to be part of the Marathon Club, please send the signed permission slip to school with them tomorrow : )

Friday, 9 May 2014

TWAS, Friday, May 9th, 2014

With Your Child This Week

1.     Brainstorm words that begin with “Z”
2.     Talk about the different ways to make 5 (ie: 2 and 3 make 5)
3.     Ask your child what their favourite act was from Lakewood Idol
4.     Practice counting to and back from 20

What we did this week at school

* Did tactile “Z” with Zug the Bug!
* Learned about the –ug family
* Had criss-cross centres
*Worked on the number 20
* Practiced making 5
* Went on a shape hunt
* Had Lakewood Idol
* Worked on our Mother’s Day surprises 

Some Important Dates to Remember
Friday, May 16th – Field Trip to Children’s Museum in morning
Monday, May 19th – Victoria Day (no school)
Tuesday, May 20th – Early dismissal at 2:55pm

Important Information

1.    We will be going on a field trip to the Children’s Museum on Friday, May 16th.  Please return your child’s permission form with the money no later than Monday, May 12th.  If you are available to volunteer for this field trip and have a completed and cleared criminal record check, please email or write a note in the TWAS this week!

2.    Our next theme is Community Helpers.  If you or anyone you know, would like to come and talk about your job, please let us know!

Have a sunny weekend!!!!